Currently enrolled MAP students and their parents will need a Juilliard login and password to access schedules, 成绩, and other curriculum-related information.
For assistance with your login, please contact the IT Helpdesk.
A Juilliard login and password are required to access these resources.
地图的空间 on MyJuilliard contains detailed calendars and schedules, forms, policies and procedures, announcements, and more.
CANVAS is Juilliard's portal for managing syllabi and other classwork-related resources.
通过 节奏, students and parents can look up class schedules, check 成绩, and download transcripts.
MAP 校历 2023-24
9月16日 | MAP 取向 Day (in-person) |
9月23日 | 第一天上课 |
11月25日 | NO CLASSES (Thanksgiving Recess) |
12月23日 & 30 | NO CLASSES (冬季休会) |
1月6日 | 类的简历 |
1月13日 | Last Day of Fall Semester |
1月20日 | First Day of Spring Semester |
3月9日 | NO CLASSES (Spring Recess 1) / MAP Recruitment Day |
3月30日 | NO CLASSES (Spring Recess 2) |
5月11日 | 最后一天上课 |
5月18日 | Jury Exams (current students) & Entrance Auditions (applicants) |
5月25日 | 准备部门 毕业典礼 |
MAP 校历 2024-25
9月7日 | MAP 取向 (in-person) |
9月14日 | 开学第一天 |
10月12日 | 无课(赎罪日) |
11月30日 | NO CLASSES (Thanksgiving Recess) |
12月21日 | Last Saturday of Prep Division Classes in 2024 |
12月28日 & 1月4日 | 冬季休会 |
1月11日 | 类的简历 | Last Saturday of Fall Semester |
1月18日 | 春季学期开学 |
3月8日 | NO CLASSES (Spring Recess 1) | MAP Recruitment Day |
4月19日 | NO CLASSES (Spring Recess 2) |
5月10日 | Last Saturday of Spring Semester |
5月17日 | Jury Exams (current students) and Entrance Auditions (applicants) |
5月24日 | 准备部门 毕业典礼 |
All 准备部门 classes have a fall term and a spring term. Final 成绩 for each semester are posted on WebAdvisor no later than three weeks following the last Saturday of the term and appear on the student's transcript. All faculty members use traditional letter 成绩. The 准备部门 does not compute grade point averages for students.
Any student who receives a grade of "B-" or below in any of their classes will be placed on academic status (concern, 警告, 或试用).
MAP students are expected to attend all of their scheduled classes on time each Saturday. Students will be allowed two (2) absences during the fall semester and two (2) absences during the spring semester without penalty to their grade. Additional absences may result in a lowering of the student’s grade, and/or the student being placed on a status of concern, 警告, 或缓刑. Lateness may also result in the lowering of a student’s grade at the instructor’s discretion. Excessive absences may result in dismissal from the program.
Re-admission to MAP each year is not automatic. 家庭 must indicate on their Student Intent Form if they wish to re-apply for MAP for the upcoming year. This officially notifies the office of the student’s interest in returning and begins a process to determine if the student will be recommended for re-admission by the faculty. Only when the student has shown satisfactory progress and commitment in all areas of study, will he/she be considered for re-admission. A notification letter will be sent after jury examinations in May as to the student’s reinstatement status.
If the student has not shown a satisfactory degree of commitment to the program, 或者受到关注, 警告, 或者试用状态, he/she may not be re-admitted. The MAP administrators do their best to make early diagnoses of academic, 出席, or attitude problems; however, it is up to the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) to communicate with the teachers and make improvements in all aspects of performance.
For further information, please refer to the 准备部门 Student-Parent Handbook 或联系:
音乐进修计划 (MAP)
纽约,NY 10023
(212) 799-5000,分机. 398
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)