Music Theory and Ear Training for High School Students
Welcome to Juilliard Extension: Music Theory and Ear Training for High School Students. For adult learners 如欲学习音乐、舞蹈和戏剧课程,请访问esball世博扩展部网站.
Application Deadline2024年6月14日星期五美国东部时间下午5点*
esball世博扩展部欢迎世界各地的高中生报名参加我们大学水平的音乐理论和听力训练课程. Our courses cater to students aged 14-18 and cover a broad range of topics, 从基本概念到高级训练. 我们的目标是加深学生的音乐技能,帮助他们达到精通音乐的水平.
Our music theory and ear training classes are exclusively online. Students can expect additional coursework outside of class hours. We structure our classes to prepare students for Advanced Placement exams, and we offer select courses that qualify for college credit.
Our courses are designed to help students enhance their musical abilities, 不管他们现在的水平如何. By enrolling in our music theory and ear training classes, students will be exposed to different styles of music, 学习先进的音乐技术和方法, 在音乐概念上打下坚实的基础.
If you're a high school student looking to deepen your musical skills, Juilliard Extension's music theory and ear training classes are perfect for you. 我们的课程将帮助您实现您的音乐愿望,并为未来的音乐追求铺平道路.
开放日期间, we delved into the exciting realms of Music Theory and Ear Training, 提供有价值的见解和信息. 我们的团队探索了这些问题的复杂性, highlighting their importance in nurturing well-rounded musicians.
Furthermore, we reviewed the application and registration process, 确保你有所有必要的细节来无缝地为你的孩子在Extension高中注册.
Watch our recent open houses and sample lessons by accessing our video library. (密码:扩展)
- esball世博扩展部欢迎所有14-18岁的学生申请我们的音乐理论和听力训练课程.
- Students may choose to enroll in a Music Theory class, an Ear Training class, or both. However, 如果你打算同时修这两门课, please be aware that you must submit a separate application for each.
- 目前参加音乐理论和/或耳朵训练课程的学生,预计将在下学期开始前收到一份预批准信. Current students do not need to complete an application. Please contact our office directly with any questions regarding your pre-approval status.
- The application deadline for the summer semester is Friday, June 14 at 5pm ET.
- Once a class placement has been determined for applicants, prospective students will receive a status update email. 安置信将包含最终注册和提交学费的说明.
Summer 2024 Courses
High school students can attend online music theory and ear training classes. To be enrolled, students must fill out an 网上申请表格 before the deadline on Friday, June 14 at 5pm ET.
For credit courses, attendance is mandatory for all class sessions. 如果学生不能参加,他们必须尽可能提前通知他们的老师. 在缺席的情况下,学生可以访问课堂录音来弥补任何错过的课程.
For non-credit courses, attendance is encouraged but not mandatory. 如果学生缺课, 他们可以访问录音,以赶上自己的时间和跟上课程的步伐.
Music Theory & Analysis Courses
Prerequisites: None
Credits: 0
Tuition: $1,268
Sections Available:
章节- EVDIV 11/01
日期:06/26/24 - 08/10/24
Wednesdays & 周六,下午1:30-4:30
章节- EVDIV 11/03
日期:06/27/24 - 08/11/24
Thursdays & Sundays, 3-6pm ET
This course is appropriate for students who are in the early stages of learning music. 在这个在线音乐理论课上, 学生探索音乐的元素,为更高级的音乐理论学习做准备. 这些包括符号, symbols, solfège, clefs, key signatures, 大调和三个小调, modal scales, intervals, triads, and seventh chords as well as an introduction to four-part writing, analysis, and modulation. 通过讨论和分析,引导学生阅读简单的分数,并应用课堂上学到的基本技能. 为了让学生掌握继续学习音乐理论和分析序列所必需的技能,本课程需要完成每周作业的课外准备.
这门课的长度是一个学期. Students receiving a passing grade will progress to Music Theory and Analysis I.
音乐理论与分析I (EVCRT 111)
Prerequisites: Elements of Music Theory and Analysis, or placement by application
Credits: 3 credits
Tuition: $1,950
Section Available:
Section - EVCRT 111/01
日期:06/26/24 - 08/10/24
Wednesdays & 周六,下午1:30-4:30
这门在线音乐理论课程介绍了调性音乐的理论和分析, and entering students are expected to be familiar with musical fundamentals. 经过简短的复习,建立起命名和拼写基本调性材料的能力和速度, 本课程介绍物种对位, diatonic harmony, 以及巴洛克和古典风格的典型乐句的组成和分析.
这门课的长度是一个学期. Students receiving a passing grade will progress to Music Theory and Analysis II.
音乐理论与分析II (EVCRT-211)
Prerequisites: Music Theory and Analysis I, or placement by application
Credits: 3 credits
Tuition: $1,950
Section Available:
部分- EVCRT 211/01
日期:06/26/24 - 08/10/24
Wednesdays & 周六,下午1:30-4:30
这门在线音乐理论课程考察了从最小的乐句单元到二进制和大合唱形式的完整运动的形式结构原则. 这些原则是通过从18世纪和19世纪的音乐文学以及通过模型作曲作业的例子分析来解释的.
Accelerated Introduction to Ear Training (EVDIV 52)
Prerequisites: Elements of Music Theory and Analysis
Credits: 0
Tuition: $845
Sections Available:
章节- EVDIV 52/01
日期:06/27/24 - 08/11/24
Thursdays & Sundays, 2–4pm ET
章节- EVDIV 52/02
日期:06/27/24 - 08/11/24
Thursdays & Sundays, 6–8pm ET
这是一个基本的初步在线耳朵训练课程,为学生谁已经有过音乐训练,但需要加速审查音乐的元素,然后移动到耳朵训练I. 在这个高度互动的课堂上, 学生将专注于通过学习用耳朵制作和识别各种音乐元素来建立他们的听觉技能. 所涉及的主题包括固定任务解决方案, key signatures, clef reading, scale singing, interval singing, sight singing, rhythmic exercises, 还有旋律的听写. 除了在课堂上学习这些主题, students will need to prepare for weekly performance-based recitations outside of class.
这门课的长度是一个学期. Students receiving a passing grade will progress to Ear Training I (Part I).
Prerequisites: Accelerated Introduction to Ear Training, or placement by application
Credits: 2
Tuition: $1,300
Section Available:
组- EVCRT 121/01
日期:06/27/24 - 08/11/24
Thursdays & Sundays, 2-4pm ET
听力训练I(第二部分) (EVCRT 122)
Prerequisites: Ear Training I (Part I), or placement by application
Credits: 2
Tuition: $1,300
Section Available:
部分- EVCRT 122/01
日期:06/26/24 - 08/10/24
Wednesdays & Saturdays, 2-4pm ET
耳训练I介绍了各种基本概念,同时设置学生的道路,以掌握所需的技能,以实现高水平的音乐. 这个高度互动的在线课程的首要目标是帮助学生深入理解声音在音乐中的作用. 在成功完成第一和第二部分后, 学生将能熟练掌握固定套路, 高音和低音谱号, 全全全音程和三和弦, and will be able to perform rhythms in a variety of meters and subdivisions. Students will also gain experience with sight singing and dictation. In addition to studying the covered topics during class, students will need to prepare for weekly performance-based recitations outside of class.
本课程分为两部分. 每个部分的长度为一个学期. Students may enter Part I or II at any time based on placement applications.
Program Information
要报名参加课程,学生必须填写一份表格 网上申请表格. 申请按先到先得原则处理, first-served basis, 报名情况视情况而定.
接受茱莉亚学院扩展课程的学分完全由学生申请的院校自行决定. 如果学生申请的机构不接受在茱莉亚学院扩展课程中获得的学分, the student may be required to repeat some or all of the course work at the institution. 学生应提前联系学校确认他们的茱莉亚学院扩展课程学分是否被接受.
Financial Aid
Juilliard Extension is a nonmatriculating, nondegree program within The Juilliard School. We do not offer scholarships or federal or state funding.
Payment Plans
付款计划将根据具体情况提供,并由茱莉亚学院扩展办公室全权决定. Please contact the Extension office to find out more about payment plan options at [email protected].
Students who wish to withdraw from a course must email [email protected]. No telephone requests for withdrawals will be accepted. 停止上课或通知讲师不构成正式退学. 取消付款不构成撤回或减少对茱莉亚学院的财务义务. A $25 fee will be charged for returned and stop-payment checks.
退课并不一定使学生有权获得退款或取消仍然到期的学费. 退款从收到书面提款通知之日起计算,并按如下方式发放:
for withdrawals submitted prior to the first day of class
No refunds issued
参加学分课程的学生将在完成课程后获得最终成绩. If they receive a passing grade, they will earn credits for the course. 成绩单将与学生的最终成绩一起由导师签发. Transcripts are not available for noncredit courses. Instructions to 申请茱莉亚学院的成绩单.
Please see the 茱莉亚学院扩展学生手册 for the Code of Conduct and other school and divisional policies.
Please visit 茱莉亚学院扩展学生资源 to review the holiday calendar when classes are not in session.
Canvas Learning
All courses will operate through Canvas, Juilliard’s Online Learning Management system. Canvas is where you will be able to access your course information, Zoom会议(在线课程), handouts, assignments, 还有其他资源. 无论您是面对面还是在线,您都可以访问并可能需要使用Canvas.
要访问Canvas,请登录您的Okta帐户. Your Okta account username is your primary email address. Once logged in, click the Canvas tile to automatically redirect into the platform. 进入Canvas后,您所注册的课程将出现在仪表板上. Your courses will be published one week prior to the first class. 您的导师可能会在接近第一次课程时与您联系,提供针对您课程的更详细信息.
Phone Support
查询我们的计划或进一步的细节, 请在美国东部时间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点致电(212)799-5000 ext与我们联系. 273. 请注意,我们的办公室在6月至8月的星期五休息.
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday, 1-5pm
Friday, Closed
Dan Vesey, Assistant Director for Enrollment and Engagement, Juilliard Extension
Alex Jackson, Coordinator, Special Projects, Juilliard Extension
Jaycee Cardoso, Enrollment and Engagement Coordinator, Juilliard Extension
Juilliard Extension
New York, NY 10023
(212) 799-5000, ext. 273
[email protected]